介绍钟南山英语作文优秀9篇 您所在的位置:网站首页 钟南山 英文作文 介绍钟南山英语作文优秀9篇


2024-07-13 00:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


介绍钟南山英语作文 篇一

I admire Wen Tianxiang, who is still determined to die in the face of the temptation of senior officials of the Yuan Dynasty, Yang Jingyu, who is still fighting against Japan despite running out of food and ammunition, and Xia Minghan, who is still willing to die in the face of fierce reactionaries They are all great heroes of the Chinese nation, and they are all worthy of our admiration. But the hero in my heart, as well as academician Zhong Nanshan who is fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention.

Zhong Nanshan, an 84 year old man, is also an academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, a famous respiratory expert, and a leading figure in the prevention and control of respiratory infectious diseases in China.

17 years ago, with the outbreak of SARS, people fell into panic in the face of unknown viruses. Academician Zhong Nanshan was calm and fearless. He saved lives with the kindness of doctors, treated critical patients regardless of his own life risks, and fought for lives with the God of death, the old man, and became a fighter. “If there were no academician Zhong Nanshan in the fight against SARS, the result might not be like this,” someone commented In 2003, Zhong Nanshan was awarded the honorary title of “anti non hero” by Guangzhou city.

17 years later, academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, is still moving all Chinese people. When the novel coronavirus pneumonia appeared, he still fought against the virus in the first line of battle to find the best medicine to overcome the virus. Now, in the critical moment of pneumonia, academician Zhong Nanshan has become the backbone of the people. With him, there is a belief in victory. You are the sea god needle in our heart!

Lets pay tribute to the old man and all the medical workers who are fighting in the front line!

介绍钟南山英语作文 篇二

Seventeen years ago, SARS was rampant and arrogant all over the country. Have you ever thought that what you take away is a living life?

Do you know how many people are worried by your reckless actions?

In spite of this, there are still people who stand up without fear.

“Send me the most critical patient!”

Its a short words. Its sonorous and powerful.

Seventeen years ago, an old man in his late seventies stood up. From the emergence to disappearance of SARS, he has been fighting in the front line of the fight against SARS. He put his own safety out of the way, treated the patients regardless of the risks, and looked for ways to treat them. When his superiors said that the pathogen of SARS was chlamydia, and that SARS was under control, he stood up to the pressure and told the truth. He said:

“The culprit of SARS is not chlamydia, but the virus!”

“We call it containment at best, not control! Even the protection of medical staff is not in place!”

Two words, like a thunderclap on the ground, make people afraid.

After the disappearance of SARS, he was highly praised and honored. He returned to silence. When its over, Ill brush my clothes and hide deep.

Now, the new coronary pneumonia epidemic spread to the whole country. As an octogenarian, he had to fight the epidemic again. He told us not to go to Wuhan, but he quietly went to Wuhan two days before he said this. In the face of the epidemic, he is as realistic as he was 17 years ago. Frankly said that this pneumonia will be passed from person to person, and told everyone to wear masks when going out.

He, like the light in the boundless haze, drives out the darkness. However, as long as people see the word “Zhongnanshan”, they are not afraid, but feel at ease.

He is an angel in white with satin brocade in his heart. He is an honest man who is practical and dare to tell the truth. He is an unparalleled statesman who stands for heaven and earth, lives for the people, inherits unique knowledge for the saints and opens peace for the world. He is academician Zhong Nanshan.

It is even more impressive that there are countless “Nanshan” in China.

In the face of the national disaster, in the heat and winter against thousands of traffic, they resolutely chose to go to the forefront. In the battlefield where there is no smoke of gunpowder, we fought bravely and built the Great Wall for our families with our bodies. They put themselves down and supported the family reunion with bright lights.

You listen, that one by one warm blood heartbeat, that one beat pulse. You see, they are fearless warriors, they are traitors. The rebel will never be defeated.

Peoples life is thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, countless visitors. Some people add color to mountains and rivers; some people make the sun and the moon dim; some people confine their lives to peer into each others eyes, to guess each others losses; some people release their lives to the earth for a long time, far away from mountains and seas.

Even with a weak light, we should create the world, which is the backbone of China.

May academician Zhong Nanshan live longer than Nanshan, may we see Nanshan in common, and may there be Nanshan beyond.

精选钟南山的感人事迹 篇三








我最崇拜的人钟南山英语作文 篇四

The long expected spring festival has finally arrived, but a lot of things I plan to do suddenly can not be done, because there is a new virus is very strong, but also easy to infect. I can only stay at home, not go out. In the news, there is a grandfather named Zhong Nanshan. He is very powerful. He is a medical expert and is working hard to study drugs for treating viruses.

I want to say to you: “dear grandpa, thank you. You are so old and still protecting people. You have worked hard. I hope you pay attention to rest and dont work too hard. I will listen to you, stay at home obediently, pay attention to hygiene, wash hands frequently, and do not touch dirty things. Although I cant share anything for you,

But to protect myself is to help everyone. I hope to contribute my own strength to the motherland! ”

钟南山的个人先进事迹 篇五




介绍钟南山的英语作文 篇六

When the novel coronavirus pneumonia patients appeared in large numbers, the name appeared in the public view, he is 84 years old Zhong Nanshan. Zhong Nanshan is an academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and a famous respiratory expert. As soon as he appears, the patient will be saved. He is the great savior of the patients with respiratory diseases.

In fact, this is not the first time that he appeared in the public field of vision and became the focus of attention. In , Zhong Nanshans R & D organization made great contributions in overcoming the SARS epidemic.

Zhong Nanshan once said, “hospitals are battlefields. As soldiers, we dont rush to them. Who will?” Now, despite the danger of his life, he is determined to march to Wuhan again. Earlier, after analyzing and studying the news of his illness, he immediately conveyed his suggestion: “my general view is not to go to Wuhan without special circumstances”。 But on the evening of January 18, when he advised others not to go to Wuhan, he went to the front line of epidemic prevention in Wuhan without hesitation. As a soldier, he rushed forward again. What a lovely old man! The appearance of Zhong Nanshan is like a tranquilizer of social mood. In the eyes of the public, he represents integrity, science and authority. Whats more, peoples daily Weibo commented on him as follows: at the age of 84, Zhong Nanshan has academicians specialty, warriors bravery and national scholars responsibility. All the way to work tirelessly, full of responsibility for the country and the people, its really impressive!

In this gray and silent holiday, the old man, like a lighthouse, shines on the hearts of thousands of people, but also into the depths of my heart, so that my heart burns with the flame of hard work, never flinch, dare to climb.

钟南山人物传记作文 篇七












致敬钟南山院士颁奖词 篇八


我最崇拜的人钟南山英语作文 篇九

In this epidemic, the person we trust most is Grandpa Zhong Nanshan.

We first learned that he was in the SARS epidemic. This old man, when the pneumonia epidemic spread in Wuhan, he also returned to the public view. At the age of 84, he told the public not to go to Wuhan as much as possible, and boarded the high-speed railway in Wuhan by himself, leading the expedition.

Then he appeared frequently in media reports, telling people what happened and what to do. And people will believe what he said. Thats because of the following story.

It happened in . In this year, China has two heroes, one is the heaven, the other is the earth. Yang Liwei stands at the top of the sky and Zhong Nanshan stands at the ground. After the first SARS case in Guangdong Province, the terrible disease began to spread rapidly all over the country. Thousands of people have been infected with SARS. There is no cure.

In this emergency situation, authorities in Beijing have announced that the pathogen can basically be considered as a pathogen and can be treated with antibiotics. But this is wrong. But at that time, people had to believe it. But only Zhong Nanshan opposed it personally. Because he treated a lot of people with antibiotics, but he couldnt. Later, he did research and found that the pathogen was not chlamydia and could not be treated with antibiotics. So he withstood the pressure many times and cried out for the “truth” he found. But people dont believe it.

Later, he constantly put forward this point, and finally confirmed the “truth” discovered by Zhong Nanshan under peoples experiments. Then they used another medicine to start treatment. With the “retrograde” of Zhongnanshan, they did not take more detours in the prevention and treatment of SARS, saved more people and reduced the fatality rate to the lowest level in the country.

Then in this years epidemic, Zhongnanshan and medical staff fought again.

Come on, Wuhan, China!










My hobby英语作文带翻译(精彩4篇)09-01







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